Sam Whited fc43846e4f
All checks were successful
ci/woodpecker/push/dco Pipeline was successful
ci/woodpecker/push/test Pipeline was successful
ci/woodpecker/push/integration Pipeline was successful
ci/woodpecker/push/validate Pipeline was successful
all: update GitHub references to Codeberg
Signed-off-by: Sam Whited <sam@samwhited.com>
2022-07-09 09:54:03 -04:00

5.7 KiB


Thanks for wanting to contribute to Mellium! Before submitting a patch, please read our Code of Conduct.

Filing Issues

Bugs and feature requests can be started by opening an issue (unless it is a sensitive security issue, in which case keep reading). Always open an issue before submitting a patch unless the PR is trivial, all PRs should be linked to an issue and should generally only contain a single logical change. Don't forget to check the issue tracker (including closed issues) for existing issues and changes before you start work.

Once you file an issue or find an existing issue, make sure to mention that you're working on the problem and outline your plans so that someone else doesn't duplicate your work.

If you're not sure where to begin, grab any of the issues labeled good first issue, and if you need help with any of this, don't be afraid to ask!

Security sensitive issues should be reported directly to the project maintainer by emailing security@mellium.im for more information see SECURITY.md.

Creating Patches

When you create your commit, be sure to follow convention for the commit message and code formatting.

  • Format all code with go fmt
  • Write documentation comments for any new public identifiers
  • Write tests for your code
  • Follow Go best practices
  • Write a detailed commit message
  • Submit the patch or patch set and wait for review

Commit messages should start with the name of the Go package being modified, or the string "all" if it affects the entire module, followed by a colon. The rest of the first line should be a short (50 characters or less) description of how it modifies the project. Do not use punctuation at the end of the subject line. For example, the following is a good first line for a commit message to the dial package:

dial: fix flaky tests

After the subject line should be a blank line, followed by the body. The body should be wrapped to 72 characters and is a paragraph or two that explains what the change does and why it is necessary in more detail. This provides context for the commit and should be written in full sentences. Do not use Markdown, HTML, or other formatting in your commit messages. You may also include benchmarks and other data that provides context and shows why your commit should be merged, the Go benchstat tool may be helpful for this.

For example, a good full commit message might be:

dial: fix flaky tests

Previously DNS requests were made for A or AAAA records depending on
what networks were available. Tests expected AAAA requests so they
would fail on machines that only had IPv4 networking.

Sign your work

All commits must be signed before they can be accepted. Your signature indicates that you have the right to contribute the work and that it can be contributed as open source. The exact rules can be viewed at developercertificate.org, or in the file DCO. Your signature also indicates that you have read and agree to the license statement at the end of this document.

To add your signature, add a line like the following to the end of your commit message with your name and email:

Signed-off-by: Andrew Aguecheek <aaguecheek@example.net>

You can add this line easily using Git by committing with git commit -s. If you forget to add a signature to a commit, quickly add it to the latest commit with git commit --amend -s --no-edit.

To automatically sign new commits, add your signature to a file in a location of your choosing:

echo -en "\n\nSigned-off-by: Andrew Aguecheek <aaguecheek@example.net>" \
    > ~/.config/git/gitmessage

And configure your project to use it as the default commit message:

git config commit.template ~/.config/git/gitmessage

Submitting Patches

Patches may be submitted by opening a pull request. Please use the same formatting for your PR title and body as you did for the commit message.

Once your patch set is submitted, you will hear back from a maintainer within 5 days. If you haven't heard back by then, feel free to reply to the patch to ping the maintainers and move it back to the top of peoples inboxes.

To update an existing patch set you may add more commits on top of the first commit or amend and force push the branch. Once your change is accepted your reviewer may ask you to rebase your branch on top of the base branch and squash it into a single commit that can be merged, or they may handle this for you.


All patches must be reviewed by a maintainer before being merged. Don't be discouraged if the maintainer asks questions or requests changes, even for simple patches. This is perfectly normal, and means that the maintainers are interested in your change and that it stands a good chance of being merged after the changes are complete!


The package may be used under the terms of the BSD 2-Clause License a copy of which may be found in the file "LICENSE".

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution submitted for inclusion in the work by you shall be licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.